


At Enhanced Life we believe your mind is the core of your potential.  When you enhance your mind through meditation and hypnosis, you unlock your potential.




Enhanced Life mission is to create the right tools and resources to enable millions of investors in life to upgrade your mind and brain. 




The promise of Enhanced Life is to create proven, researched, quality content, tools and resources that enable you to enhance life and to begin … right now.



The vision for Enhanced Life will develop and grow.  The big picture vision is to have active members of the Academy, using the tools and resources that are created to enhance their lives and in turn, the lives of others. 

"When You Enhance Your Mind You've Automatically Enhanced Your Life"


The inspiration for building Enhanced Life came in a number of ways.  The brain child of Leah Butler-Smith, initially she was inspired by was the idea that she could improve and enhance her own brain and mind, listening to recordings of the techniques she used with clients.  She pondered that ... if only she'd had those available in her teens - life could have been so very different.  With access to the Enhanced Life Academy and Show, Leah believes she would have been able to develop her confidence and reduced anxieties in her teens and 20s.   As she says "I am my own avatar".

Later it would be her clients and young people she worked with, who commented on how beneficial additional tools for use between sessions would be.  And knowing that ensuring the resources are affordable and accessible online - would open the door to opportunities for an improved life many who are in need.

The Enhanced Life Show is hosted and inspired by Leah.  She invites expert guests onto the show to share their wisdom for enhancing life.  She also invites guests who have experiences of enhancing life that she believes will inspire and motivate you.




Her Skills

Leah Butler-Smith is a clinically trained Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist and Behaviour Expert.  Her work spans over twenty years as a professional in the field of Mindset and coaching.She is a Master NLP Practitioner and NLP Trainer.  Her added skills include meridian and energy medicine techniques.  She studies Neuroscience and is an active member of the Functional Medicine movement.

Her Passion

Leah has a passion to enable people from every background, age, culture and gender to access proven tools and techniques to enhance life.  She has a huge heart and a passionate desire to enable positive change in the world. She is never more energised than when she is working to help others improve life, enhance their mind and therefore their body.

Her Nerd'ness

Leah is a nerd for all things 'sciency'.  As a young student, she excelled in Physics and Chemistry but due to a lack of emotional support in her teens, she turned her back on her potential until events reinspired her in her 20s.  She loves all things neuroscience, social science, psychoimmunerology and even microbiology. Her family believed she’d become a Barrister as Law was another fav subject she excelled in at college.

Her Philosophy

Leah has a strong belief that Addictions, anger and many mental health imbalances have roots in Trauma and is one of her specialialities to enable people to overcome that.  She believes in focusing on the behaviour adapting over the person adapting and therefore judges actions not people.

Her Beliefs

Leah is outspoken and opinionated about people’s right to a better life and determined to bring about more awareness of the options available to achieve that.  She adopted an open mind about the relationship between body and brain and recognises a significant need for better education on this subject.


Leah is an Essex Girl through and through.  What makes her stand out, is her passionate desire to enable people from all backgrounds, to improve and enhance life.  The passion when she talks on this topic is tangible.

Her Experiences

For some reason every new job Leah had, regardless of where she started, e.g. sales or customer services, she ended up in the accounting department.  Eventually she began studying for her Accounting Exams. Which she did not enjoy much ...

Leah began her psychology training in earnest in her late 20s.  Though her immersion into the world of unconscious vs conscious mind, began in her very early 20s.  She started with personal study and as soon as an opportunity presented itself, she studied professionally.  She was an A* Student as her passion drove her to complete all her case studies long before their due date. 

She was invited to write a column in the then popular countywide newspaper that lead to a rush of clients until her local Practice was overflowing.  She then moved her Practice to Harley Street in London where an increase in prices (x4!) allowed her to work with fewer clients but without dropping in income.  It actually increased despite working less hours.

As a result of the practice being in London's medical and psychological heartland, Leah attracted more and more media organisations.  They got in touch for interviews, 'talking head' pieces and consulting on new program ideas.  Leah has worked with as a therapist and coach with clients from every walk of life, age and culture.  Including working with many successful business owners, leaders, sporting stars and coaches, celebrities from stage and screen, millionaires and famous authors.  Leah has trained business leaders and their senior staff, educators, children and young people, corporate employees in; confidence, assertiveness, communication, sales and much more.


Leah ran a non profit looking at the causes and prevention of violent crime.  This period in life lead to a great deal of media attention. Leah has been listed as the ITV’s main contact for interviews and later was a regular contact for the BBC.  

Since then, Leah has been interviewed by most major News networks in the UK and multiple press agencies. Her name has been mentioned on more than one occasion in Parliamentary discussions and the Prime Minister was asked to comment on the experience Leah had been featured for in the news.



The Enhanced Life Show has been on the list of important Goals for Leah for some time.  In order to ensure she would reach the audience she wants to connect with, she went in search of other platforms and hosts to learn as much as she could before launching a show herself.  You can learn more about the Show here.

You've come this far ... now what?

Enhanced Life is not just a brand, it's not just one person - it's one persons dream of bringing together a community of people whose goal in life is to live well and enable others to do so too!

We'd love to see you join our happy band of men, women, entrepreneurs, business owners, educators and youngsters with a positive vision for what they want to see in their future.

You can access a free future self meditation (guided meditation for enhanced positivity) and get regular updates, news and more when you sign up and join our growing community.

Whilst a new app is being built, the membership content is hosted as a Substack paid subscription. You'll find the free meditation hosted there.